Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jon Bernthal Makes ‘Harry’s Law’ Pit Stop Before ‘L.A. Noir’

Boy, you just can’t keep that wily Jon Bernthal down. You can stab him in the heart and shoot him through the head, but his career just keeps on comin’. And where Bernthal left ‘The Walking Dead‘ and signed to breathe new life into Frank Darabont’s ‘L.A. Noir,’ first he’s going to have to go to trial.

Mere weeks after being killed off not once, but twice from the second season of ‘The Walking Dead,’ and shortly after joining the cast of Frank Darabont’s upcoming pilot ‘L.A. Noir’, TVLine reports that Jon Bernthal will likely first return to TV with a brief stint on NBC’s Kathy Bates courtroom drama ‘Harry’s Law.’ The episode, likely to air sometime during May sweeps, will feature the former Shane Walsh as a father who holds the courtroom hostage when the man accused of raping and murdering his young daughter is found not guilty during his trial.

Though the casting has yet to be confirmed, I think I speak for everyone when I caution that shooting Bernthal’s character in anything but the head just isn’t going to cut it. What? I can tell the difference between reality and fiction. I just choose not to.

What say you? Would you like to seen Jon Bernthal be killed off of guest star on any other show before taking a trip back to 1940′s L.A.? Are you still grieving for Shane? Give us your take on all three shows in the comments below!

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